Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a wonderful gift, because it is something we really need:  forgiveness for the sin we commit and a renewed help in overcoming our inclination to sin.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a real encounter with Jesus in which we enter in broken and wounded and come out whole and healed.  This sacrament is a wonderful gift from God.

Sin wounds our souls.  Small sins have a way of developing into big sins.  Mortal sin kills the life of Christ in our souls while venial sin makes our soul sick.  Reconciliation is like medicine.  It cures our sick souls.
Our sins may be big.  Our sins may be plenty, but our Lord always forgives us if we are sorry.  He is never angry with us.  He loves us.  That is why He gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 
Here is some further information to help you better understand this sacrament; it comes from Catholic Answers and their book How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith.
I have bolded the information from the book to make clear that this information is coming from Catholic Answers.
We must start with John 20:19-23.
When Jesus bestowed on the disciples the power to forgive sins, He did it on Easter Sunday.  
He gave them the power by breathing on them.  
Jesus gives the disciples the authority to forgive, and not to forgive.  This means a priest has to hear the sins in order to know whether to forgive them or hold them bound.
Catholics always confess their sins to God.  The do it directly as well as through His ministers because that is what God requires, as clearly taught in Scripture.
Christ gave His disciples the power to forgive sin.  This power was intended to be passes on, since Christ knew people would sin until the end of time.  
It is my hope that you will review the prayers for Reconciliation that I sent home with you and pray to Our Lord to help you feel called to receive this sacrament soon.
I am working on a the pizza party and confession time for us.
I will keep you updated.
Blessed be God Forever!

1 comment:

Laura said...

This is lovely.
I tell my students that the people who forgive easily- are also the ones who have experienced forgiveness from God.
Reconciliation provides us with that grace to move on and be happy.